Friday 29 April 2011

Construction in the Neath

Hello, delicious passerby.

In the few hours between the night and the morn, the dastardly duo has been hard at work.

To be blunt, this site is still under construction.

For now, kindly please move along. And while it is generally rude to stare, please do watch this space.

Edit [17 May, Tues]: No, really, you want to be watching this space now.

Always yours,

La Cravate et Le Corset


  1. Resident Quetzal29 April 2011 at 11:32

    Delectable viewers,

    We bring you more news. Echo Bizarre is taking shape - as you can most likely observe. The dastardly duo has now set up its quarters within this space, so do expect progress to pick up. Unless the hats get to us first.

  2. Just an experimental memorandum, for the purpose of learning how a second comment will work out on this layout.

    My Investigating... quality is increasing.
